Full Bloom Bath Salt

Sky-rocket to the next level of growth. No more playing small. Unleash hidden potential. Make the impossible possible. Openness, fearlessness & purification of limitations from the inside-out.

On the verge of sky-rocketing to a new level of growth? Dissolve self-limiting fears that hold you back & unveil hidden potential with Full Bloom Bath Salts. Soak in the magic & make the impossible possible. 

MAGNIFIES: Fearlessness & confidence; focus, perseverance, clarity & tenacity; full potential

DISSOLVES: Self-limitations or fears that hold you back; insecurity

How to Use
Pour into a hot bath, soak & feel a boost of fearless strength! Take your bathing experience to the next level by listening to a Full Bloom Meditation while you bathe ~ link sent with bath salt.
Sea Salt, Citrus sinensis (Sweet Orange), Lavendula angostifolia (Lavender) Oil, Menta spicata (Spearmint) Oil, Myristica fragrans (Nutmeg) Oil, Coriandrum sativum (Coriander) Oil, Echinopsis Candicans (Night-Blooming Cereus) flower essence, Yucca baccata (Banana Yucca) flower essence, Bambuseae (Bamboo) essence, Carica papaya (Papaya Flower) flower essence, Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) flower essence, Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus) Essence and Azurite Gem essence.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
soo good

I don't know what it is about Full Bloom, as it never really "called out" to me as much as some of the other Lotus Wei blends- but actually USING it is a whole different story! This blend resonates with me on a deep level. It feels like something I truly need. Over the years, I've always gotten Infinite Love on the quiz & that's definitely a great one for me too. Full Bloom, though, really is the key to unlocking what it is that I've been searching for; it gifts you with lost/hidden magic, beauty, power & blessings. It's very difficult to explain, but so incredible. I feel like Full Bloom almost flies under the radar and gets bypassed in comparison to the other blends, which is not a coincidence; that is what its energy is all about (helping you access things that seem to have disappeared). Ugh I love it so much!! A must-have!

Obsessed With This Scent!

Oh my goodness, I am truly in LOVE with the smell of these bath salts! I had been interested in trying Full Bloom but wasn't sure how I was going to feel about the smell and I was already working with Expansive Presence Elixir so this was a great way to sort of dip my toe into the Full Bloom Experience. The smell is so invigorating and does wonders for clearing your head. I'm not one to take long baths so instead, I mix some of the salt in with coconut oil and use it as a scrub. And I also found it worked great when I sprinkled it in my shower loofa with my fav lemon body wash. There are just so many ways to work with this intoxicating scrub. I'm definitely going to try out the anointing oil next so I can use it daily and really get a feel for the energetic shifts it provides in addition to just smelling great. Once again, LotusWei, you've outdone yourself and I couldn't be happier!

Happy and Joyful Blend!

This blend is a perfect way to relax after a long day. It's citrusy and sweet scent make me happy and joyful. I can definitely feel the flower essences of this blend, they make me feel expansive, creative, and full of joy.

Divine and Joyful Scent!

The Full Bloom bath salts are such a beautiful way to relax after a long day. This blend feels very energizing and reminds me of a beautiful summer day.