Wild Buckwheat elixir amplifies our ability to bring something inconspicuous, invisible or subtle to social awareness. It obliterates inner & outer obstacles, so that we can spread a message – or harmonic energy – swiftly, like electricity, and exponentially, from group to group. Rather than strive for success through efforting and depletion, we recognize how to create sustainable expansion by decreasing static and increasing efficiency within collective communication channels.
Collected in the sacred mountains of Nepal near a magical spring, this wild Daphne obliterates inner obstacles to being the boldest version of ourselves. In the harshest conditions, and when the path appears to be unclear, we can flourish and thrive. Daphne refines and sharpens our north star, our ability to identify and keep coming back to what’s most important to us. Firmly established in unwavering conviction of what’s meaningful, we can be fierce and wild, and wield a sword of sharpness, knowing that we are solid as a rock in our commitments.
Spider Milkweed grows in the Southwest and is food for caterpillars. Like other milkweeds, it contains toxic substances that ultimately make the butterflies poisonous to predators. Its flower essence dissolves our tendency to feel responsible for others’ suffering – and alchemizes anger, rage & internal conflict. Rather than isolating, avoiding or burying emotion, it integrates our fragmented pieces into wholeness. We can see all sides of the complex story without judgment.