August 05, 2022

I am so incredibly grateful to our community in Austin. Wow!

I’m on my knees and so is my team. Thank you.

We were all blown away by the depth of profound connections we made so effortlessly — and the number of people that were so open, sparkly, radiant and ready to collaborate. Their ability to go deep ~ is the real deal. ; )

Million thanks to everyone that showed up to our big Flowerlounge. We felt the tenderness of your huge hearts & all of our collective desire for expansion & growth.

Special thanks to our collaborators, supporters & sponsors:

Wei of Chocolate
Wisdom Nectar Tea
Alison Van Wyck Art
Chris & Rose
Texas Nexus
Alyson Charles
 & Luke Storey
Mikki & Nadia
Karen Betten

Bryson Valencia ~ Videographer
Nathan Nguyen ~ Photographer

Alive Waters
Ksenia Brief
Nell & Lailani
Amanda Love & Dr. Ron at Heal

For more tour dates, go here! We would love to see you at our next Flowerlounge!

Love + flower ripples,