5 Meditative Practices for Inner Knowing

April 07, 2021

Meditation is an amazing way to connect with intuition.

Flower essences gently bring your awareness to the parts of you that want to evolve; meditation is a method that offers a way to unhook from the small you (mental monkey mind) and reconnect with the big you (your self-arising nature). Using flower essences daily helps us with the most important part of meditation practice, which is observing our own habits and patterns.

inner knowing lotuswei flower essence elixir

Infused with flower essences for fearless pioneering + unfolding our vision, the Inner Knowing blend strengthens us to break through limitations, trust our inner visionary and see the future in a forward-thinking way.

Here are 5 meditative practices, inspired by the flowers in Inner Knowing, to help you connect with your limitless potential.

inner knowing lotuswei flower essence elixir indian paintbrush

1. Indian Paintbrush Meditation

The Indian Paintbrush flower essence dissolves doubts, worries and overthinking related to one’s path. Rather than feeling lost, we can tune in to an inner wayfinding ability. We experience greater depths of self-assuredness, intuition and knowing which way to go and what steps to take.

This Indian Paintbrush-inspired meditation can help you find peace with a situation that might be confusing or of which the outcome is unknown or unclear. Open to the sensation of not knowing, without resistance, judgment or fear. 

inner knowing lotuswei flower essence elixir shell ginger

2. 5-Minute Embody Your Vision Practice

Shell Ginger flower essence liberates a whole new level of creativity, both in terms of innovation as well as the way the ideas are brought to fruition. Rather than following a template or norm, it’s about visualizing out-of-the-box possibilities and "seeing" and "feeling" them into reality. Shell Ginger stimulates a rush of new ideas and solutions, which come from within. It helps us transform outer circumstances through an inner embodiment of our vision.

This is an ultra-quick envisioning exercise that you can do anywhere, anytime. Laser focus your energy on your vision of a particular project, life situation, relationship or expression of you + how it feels in your body. Listen to this every morning or whenever you want to embody your vision!

inner knowing lotuswei flower essence elixir rose of venezuela

3. Prayer-Practice for Awakening Wisdom

The Rose of Venezuela flower essence gives us the strength and support to break through societal, cultural and personal norms as well as others' perceived limitations. It dissolves any "you can't do that" messaging in our cells and liberates wild expansion and trailblazing. 

This practice allows you to see how much you can open to yourself. Take some time to invite in more spaciousness and create an intention for insights + your own innate wisdom to rise to the surface. 

4. Inner Wisdom Check-In

This practice is also inspired by the Rose of Venezuela flower essence.

Sink into your heart space—your seat of wisdom and the center of the all-knowing part of yourself. This practice allows you to get intimate with this space and find answers to questions from beyond your thinking mind.

5. Spacious Awareness Meditation

This meditation helps you get in touch with your inner knowing. Let go of to-dos and see how much you can relax into the spaciousness inside + outside your body.

I hope these practices help you enrich your visioning, break through limitations and "feel into" your future!


Love + flower petals,