May 21, 2018
when we are
first conceived
we swim in the ocean
of our mamas bellies
until like ripe fruit
gravity pulls us out
into the wilderness
with divine timing
of the highest order
we follow the pull
of the stars, planets
and winds of karma
we are masters of
s u c c u m b i n g
to the earthly tides
as children
we don't plan our days
we just play and play and play and play
romping from one adventure
to the next
diving into each moment
like a bee dives
into a pollen-dusted flower
running and laughing
without reservation or hesitation
even though we have no idea
what's coming next
we are masters
of unpredictability
while remaining
o p e n h e a r t e d
now we are older
and wiser
(as they say)
yet we grasp on
to everything
gripping tightly
to the grains of sand
as they spill out
of our hands
afraid to let go
to grow old
to fail or be wrong
to be a fool or feel stupid
to be misunderstood or left behind
and when life finally and
thoroughly breaks our heart (open)
we remember that
we know how to
s u r r e n d e r
we give in
to the pain and
let it wash over us
while cherishing the parts
of our hearts that are broken
we remember how to
take each moment
one at a time
moving forward
out into the
u n k n o w n
from shadows into light
like a baby being born
we remember
that there is nothing
to control or orchestrate
we are masters of the
u n m a s t e r y
we find the perfect words
on the tips of our tongues
we know exactly what to do
and when to do it
we're full and overflowing
and all we have to do is
let loose and
b e
Love + flower petals,