August 26, 2024

Have you recently felt any of the following?
  • Waiting for the perfect moment to do x
  • Afraid of doing it wrong
  • Wary that you’re not enough
  • Tentative because you don’t have the right materials or training
  • Am I ready? Am I ready for this?
  • Confusion around health issues, relationship challenges or worthiness


If you’re drawn to Wild Geranium, you may hesitate when you feel unprepared, or that you don’t have the resources, material or know-how necessary to move forward. In certain situations you may feel like you don’t have the necessary skill set or experience required. You may have a subtle habitual pattern of thinking you need to know more, read more, understand more or be more – in order to make a successful attempt.

Alternatively, even when you are action-oriented, there may be times when you realize that you like to do things a certain way. You have a tendency to want all the necessary tools that you’re used to; you may hesitate when they are not available. Or you may experience a sense of “I’m not ready!” simply because you’re not mentally prepared or adjusted, or it just all feels too spontaneous for your comfort level.

Recently, you may have felt some confusion with health issues, in your relationships or defining your worthiness and the experiences you’re open – or not open – to receiving.


Activate: Call to action
Message: Take action! You have what it takes.

Wild Geranium (Geranium caespitosum) encourages us to take action, take action, take action, regardless of resources, education, or perceived readiness. We may not have fully developed the skill set, but we will be called into action to develop it on the go. We may not have all the experience we think we need, but that will no longer stop us from taking the leap.

Wild Geranium cuts through the “I’m not ready” thought and just gets us moving and doing. It knocks hesitation on its butt and gives us a shove forward. It amplifies our resourcefulness, our ability to figure it out on the go and excel at something unexpected. Or, to simply get moving and pivot or tweak the process later if needed.

Deep inside each of us, there is at times a doubt of being enough, doing enough or being prepared for the challenges that life will offer us. These types of patterns prevent us from owning a more powerful level of leadership. Sometimes we need to take action when we are not ready, when we don't have the right tools and have not enough experience.

Wild Geranium helps us take action in a whole new way. We can break the rules when it’s necessary. We stop getting in our own way. We simply take action. Our minds are crystal clear and sweep away any obstacles. We realize that we are the perfect person to do the job at this moment. We recognize that nothing is missing; everything is perfect. When we are in alignment, we are ready. We are enough. We are more than enough. All that’s required is the pure state of action.


Wild Geranium grows all over the world in a variety of species. The variety for this elixir was collected from the pine and aspen forests north of Flagstaff, Arizona. Pineywoods Geranium (Geranium caespitosum) is from the Western United States and northern part of Mexico. This Wild Geranium grows in pine and other coniferous forests and blooms May to September. Its petals are like a 5-pointed star with five tall stamen.

Herbally, the Goshute tribes of Utah and Nevada have used the roots and plant parts for an astringent in cases of diarrhea. The Keres people of the Pueblo areas of New Mexico and Arizona crushed the roots into a paste to treat skin sores, and gave the entire plant to their turkeys as food.

In Essence

MAGNIFIES: Sense of worthiness & call to action; Clarity in health & relationships; State of pure action & readiness: “I’m ready”

DISSOLVES: Fear of not having enough, being enough; Lack of tools, resources, perfect conditions; Hesitation: “I’m not ready”; Confusion around health issues, relationship challenges, worthiness



This limited-edition flower elixir was previously featured in the Flowerevolution, and is no longer available as a single elixir. Learn more about this transformative personal growth & expansion program here. Joining the Flowerevolution is how you get exclusive access to single elixirs that we do not release to the general public, and only release in the program for 30 days.

Alternatively, if you're looking for a flower essence with similar qualities to Wild Geranium, check out:

Inner Knowing
Expansive Presence

We do keep a secret stock of our single elixirs at the Self-Arising Nature Center in Phoenix, AZ. Visit our flagship location, and let us know in advance if you're in search of a single flower elixir ~ we'd be delighted to open the flower vault for you.


Love & flower petals,