October 26, 2021

Have you recently felt any of the following?
  • Diving into a world of the unknown
  • Afraid of what’s coming down the road
  • Stuck in adrenal or nervous system overload
  • Wondering if you’ll be able to survive
  • Survival fear and wondering what happens next
  • Sense of shadow, fear or impending doom


If you’re attracted to the Spider Orchid, you may feel that you’re entering into a whole new world of the unknown. In life, whenever you’re faced with the unknown, you may experience an adrenaline rush mixed with panic or survival fear.

It may feel simultaneously scary as well as adventurous. You may sense that you’re coming up to the edge of a whole new paradigm of experience, yet feel totally unprepared for what’s on the other side. You may feel unsure if you’re welcome in this new world -- and if you even belong. You may wonder if it’s safe or dangerous.


Activate: Daring courageousness
Message: Welcome the unknown.

Spider Orchid (Brassia arcuigera) helps us embrace the unknown with a sense of safety and even adventure. It helps us move through uncharted territories and see the world as supportive and benevolent.

It enhances our ability to assimilate a situation that looks scary and see how to use it to embrace ourselves, our surroundings and a new reality or way of life. We can adopt a sense of calm and peace within ourselves, knowing that we can rely on ourselves to embrace the new world and be embraced by it in return.


I spotted the Spider Orchid growing on a tree on the edge of the dense Monteverde rainforest in Costa Rica, opening a doorway for me into a new world. This was a world where animals (not humans) reign, one which I felt I didn’t know the rules to, nor if I was exactly welcome.

Read more about the collection story here.

This orchid growing directly on the precipice of two vastly different worlds serves to illuminate and support the awareness and transition as we move into the unknown of a new world.

In Essence

MAGNIFIES: Calm, comfort, benevolence; Adventure & ability to step into the unknown; Ability to handle uncharted waters; World around you as supportive, not dangerous

DISSOLVES: Fear of the unknown; Survival fear, terror or panic; Sense of being preyed upon; Stuck in fight/flight or adrenal overload



This limited-edition flower elixir was previously featured in the Flowerevolution, and is no longer available as a single elixir. Learn more about this transformative personal growth & expansion program here. Joining the Flowerevolution is how you get exclusive access to single elixirs that we do not release to the general public, and only release in the program for 30 days.

Alternatively, if you're looking for a flower essence with similar qualities to Spider Orchid, check out:

Luminous Chi
Inner Knowing

We do keep a secret stock of our single elixirs at the Self-Arising Nature Center in Phoenix, AZ. Visit our flagship location, and let us know in advance if you're in search of a single flower elixir ~ we'd be delighted to open the flower vault for you.

Spider Orchid is also in the flower lineup that will be featured in the third blend of the AWAKENED series ~ coming Winter 2024.


Love + flower petals,