Holiday Joy Juice Spritzer

December 17, 2018

On Friday we opened up our doors for a Holiday Soiree - inviting our community into our new space for the first time, sharing our FIREST-ever flower elixir apothecary and reconnecting with so many old clients, friends + local supporters.

Brandi, our Magic Maker + Director of Food & Beverage at the Flowerlounge served up Holiday Joy Juice for our guests to sip on while they met new friends, got a flower oracle reading from Kate or Taylor, shopped around for holiday gifts and lounged in our space dedicated to just *being*.

Brandi demoed how to make this simple (yet, incredibly divine) mocktail for all of guests ~ and we want to share the recipe with you!

Holiday Joy Juice:

Makes 1 serving!


1/2 oz Ginger Syrup
1 oz Cranberry Juice
Orange Juice
Sparkling Water
Joy Juice Flower Elixir
Joy Juice Aura Mist
Frozen cranberries, orange wedges + edible gold for garnish

Ginger Syrup:

Makes 8 oz!


1 1/2 cups fresh ginger, peeled + chopped
1 cup water
1/2 cup honey



For the ginger syrup, add chopped ginger, water and honey to a medium saucepan. On medium heat, bring mixture to a slow boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 20 - 30 minutes until syrup has reduced by about half. Allow to cool and store syrup in a mason jar in the fridge.

For the Holiday Joy Juice mocktail, fill a 4 oz cocktail glass with ice, add ½ oz ginger syrup and 1 oz cranberry juice. Next, add a splash of orange juice and top with sparkling water. Add 5 drops of your Joy Juice Elixir and garnish with frozen cranberries, an orange wedge and edible gold if you want to be extra fancy. For some extra joy, mist the top of your mocktail with a spray of your Joy Juice Mist!

Magic + flower petals,
