Wild Abundance: attracting synchronicity, opportunities, financial prosperity and abundance of all things by eliminating scarcity or lack mentality
Expansive Presence: allowing yourself to receive more
Divine Within:operating from a place of nourishment, support & abundance vs. depletion & exhaustion; experiencing an abundance of love all around
Gamechanger: abundant, effortless, rapid growth
Full Bloom: taking big leaps in your potential -- which invites more abundance in
Fierce Compassion: feeling alone or left behind
Infinite love: self love + forgiveness
Inner Peace: calm + comfort
Expansive Presence: feeling left out or left behind; fear of being cast out or alienated
True Strength: exploring wounds of rejection, abandonment & feeling like you don’t belong
Divine Timing: dissolve old loneliness
Boundless Wisdom: flexibility; non-judgement + acceptance of others; acceptance of transitions, change + even death
Infinite Love: self-acceptance; self-love
Wild Abundance: self-appreciation
Inner Peace: confidence; self-acceptance
Fierce Compassion: non-attachment
Divine Within: accept yourself; open your heart to the unknown; turn toward your own truth & self-validation
Infinite Love: magnetizes love + affection, without yearning
Boundless Wisdom: devotional love; gentleness
Fierce Compassion: fearless love, attentiveness, compassion, softness
Nectarine Blossom: sweetness + camaraderie
Truthteller: transform anger into protective strength
Boundless Wisdom: aggression + violence
Fierce Compassion: result of attachment or impatience
Nectarine Blossom: feeling attacked
Boundless Wisdom:past or current traumatic experiences; dramatic change; broken heart
Truthteller:fear about how your words will affect others
Fierce Compassion:result of attachment/clinging or impatience
Truthteller:holding back verbally; unable to speak freely
Fierce Compassion: critical or criticizing
Nectarine Blossom: attacked or pressured
Infinite Love: irritation; inflammation
Wild Abundance: irritation
Divine Timing: helps us embrace the challenging, irritable parts of ourselves with love, speeding up resolution
Truthteller:ambivalent to speak the truth
Radiant Energy:hesitation, shyness or low vitality
Nasturtium:monotony, boredom
Joy Juice:
Divine Within: transition from feeling apathetic, indifferent, & disconnect to peaceful patient & accepting; tenderness & kindness toward oneself
Divine Truth: clear in your own truth; dissolves inauthenticity; dissolve secrecy, hiding or deception; no more secrecy - full transparency; dissolve veiled intentions; see clearly & be authentic; pure intentions
Fierce Compassion: fear of loss or change; clinging; fear of abandonment or rejection
Wild Abundance: scarcity mindset; strong emotions around physical appearance
Infinite Love: dependent on external love; unable to forgive
Quiet Mind: perfectionism; unable to delegate; overly responsible; workaholism
Boundless Wisdom: things being a certain way; fear of death; negative fixation or obsession; expectations; rigidity or control; difficulty letting things go
Open Heart: fear of loss
Gamechanger: rigid behaviors; going to extremes
Full Bloom: self-limitation; old habits or patterns
Divine Timing: love without attachment
Infinite Love:sensuality; magnetism
Wild Abundance:beauty; elegance; magnetism
Wild Abundance: of opportunities available; sharper senses; sensitivity to others' needs
Inspired Action: heightened intuition
Full Bloom: awareness of everyday actions and how they relate to greater goals; spacious, expansive mind; understanding of shadow side or fears
Quiet Mind: awareness of mental activity and where stress is stored in the body
Boundless Wisdom: of the divine in every moment; clarity of highest aspirations
Inner Peace: of emotional currents
Truthteller: where your fears hold you back; truths you’ve been avoiding
Expansive Presence: fuller realization of who we are as divine beings
Open Heart: of authenticity, intimacy and perfect timing
True Strength: observation of your thoughts + feelings as they arise, knowing that they are coming up to come out
Divine Timing: enhances awareness of the ripple effects that we create with our actions; awareness of the bigger piccture
Sacred Awareness: fine-tune your perception
Luminous Chi: fierce awareness of our own boundaries; benevolence
Inner Peace:sense of support
Boundless Wisdom:during dramatic change or traumatic events
Quiet Mind:allowing others to assist youk
Full Bloom:masculine + feminine energies
Infinite Love:self-care
Radiant Energy: women's reproductive system
Gamechanger:between two extremes
Sacred Body: dissolve imbaalnced extremes of yang (burnout) & yin (stagnation)
Infinite Love: self-love; acceptance; magnetism
Wild Abundance:embracing all aspects of yourself as beautiful + human; radiance of the face; femininity; magnetism
Infinite Love:need for forgiveness
Fierce Compassion:betrayal; abandonment or rejection; emotional wounds + scars
Joy Juice:fun, laughter & play
Wild Abundance: awareness of synchronicities
Nasturtium:spice up life; spontaneity
Luminous Chi: clear boundaries; being able to draw the line; fierce clarity; overwhelm of abrasive energies; protection from when in engagement with others
Luscious Embodiment:
Radiant Energy: energetic protection; ability to be compassionate & empathetic without taking on others' stress; force-field of protection of foreign energies
Sacred Body: energetic boundaries
Inner Peace:peacefulness, stability, support
Boundless Wisdom:relief; fresh perspective
Quiet Mind:clarity of mind; ability to let go; deep sleep
Gamechanger:slowing down
Inspired Action:decisiveness; trusting your intuition
Truthteller: self-assuredness; conviction
Inner Peace:confidence; comfort being yourself
Inner Peace:overwhelm
Boundless Wisdom:trauma; rigidity; major transitions, including death
Fierce Compassion: attachment
Gamechanger:rapid growth + expansion
Boundless Wisdom: unwavering patience & using the craziness of life to wake up
Inner Peace: in times of high stress, nothing can move you from your center
Divine Timing: dissolves dizzying chaos, daily grind & distraction
Joy Juice: confusion/uncertainty of life’s path; hesitation
Inspired Action: fearlessness; decisiveness + clear action
Full Bloom: clarity around purpose or vision; determination
Quiet Mind: stillness, awareness; quiet the mind; mental clarity
Boundless Wisdom: insight into inner landscape
Expansive Presence: confusion around how to make your vision a reality
Inner Knowing: lucid clarity + embodiment of vision
Truthteller: fearlessness speech; certitude
Joy Juice: keeping it simple
Luminous Chi: sharp clarity & awareness
Full Bloom:networking, leadership; community mind-set; compatibility
Divine Timing: stronger-than-ever devotion - therefore, we’ll never lose our way; tethered to the heartbeat of what matters most; rock solid in commitment
Truthteller:speaking freely; asking for what you want; singing; healthy expression of anger
Sacred Awareness:anticipate others' needs & speak unabashedly; electrify your communication; expand the healing power of your own voice
Divine Truth: be direct with electric speech
Divine Timing: root into the community around you & experience the power of a shared vision
True Strength: appreciate & grow your sense of community; belonging; interconnectedness & intimacy with others
Quiet Mind: feeling deeply connected with others; ability to ask for help & create a community of support
Sacred Awareness: feel more connected with everything around you; interconnectedness; heightened familial love
Divine Truth: connection; profound understanding of your place in the world; deepen into your qualities & offering to humanity
Joy Juice:overcomplicating everything
Inspired Action:indecisiveness
Gamechanger:weighed down or stuck in the mud
Infinite Love: self-expression; being seen + heard
Inspired Action: creative abilities + ideas; trusting intuition; decisiveness
Full Bloom: dissolve insecurities
Inner Peace: inner strength; comfort being oneself; letting it all hang out
Fierce Compassion: trust in others
Truthteller: certitude; public speaking; self-assuredness
Gamechanger: prioritization; progress
Wild Abundance: focusing on strengths
Expansive Presence: leadership from within; fearless independence; freedom of expression
Open Heart: ability to ‘be with’ intense and complex emotional states
Luscious Embodiment: self-acceptance, spacious embodied freedom
True Strength: dissolve uncertainty that you don’t have what it takes for true freedom
Inner Knowing: trust in your inner vision
Luminous Chi: powerful presence; not being affected by others
Sacred Heart: inner conflict or wrestling with something in your mind
Joy Juice:lack of life purpose; tied in knots
Inspired Action: indecision
Radiant Energy:hesitation
Joy Juice:making others laugh; humility; playfulness
Quiet Mind:heart connection vs intellectual
Truthteller:fearless communication; effortless conversation
Infinite Love:expression; acceptance
Wild Abundance:welcoming friendship; awareness of others' needs
Luminous Chi:desire to be of service; camaraderie; connection in groups; gentleness; friendliness; sensing others benevolence -- the world is a benevolent place; comfort in engaging with others
Divine Timing: the ripple effect -- perception of unseen support; finding community when feeling a lack of connection
Divine Truth: connect with community
Luscious Embodiment: release tension, feel free
Boundless Wisdom:rigidity
Fierce Compassion:attachment
Gamechanger: operating at an 'extreme'
Inspired Action:decisiveness; trusting one's intuition
Truthteller: certitude; self-deserving
Luscious Embodiment:drawing the line; setting boundaries
Divine Timing: unwavering conviction of what’s meaningful; freedom to be the boldest version of ourselves
Divine Timing: unwavering conviction of what’s meaningful; freedom to be the boldest version of ourselves
Inspired Action: creative expression; innovation
Full Bloom: taking huge steps towards your full potential
Inner Peace: fully being oneself; moving through change/transitions
Gamechanger: think outside the box; rapid growth
Truthteller: speaking up; asking for what you want; fierce compassion; advocacy; fearless speech; communication
Expansive Presence: more ease being in the spotlight; ability to take greater risks
Open Heart: effortless turning toward vulnerability and what’s scary
True Strength: bravery; no fear of loss; more fearlessness about taking risks in relationships
Inner knowing: fearless action regardless of what others think
Divine Timing: obliterates inner obstacles so we can be the boldest version of ourselves; boosts our courage to extend ourselves and form new bonds of love
Infinite Love: full expression of self
Inspired Action: inspiration; think outside the box
Full Bloom: uncovering hidden potential; collaboration
Gamechanger: effortless new ideas; new perspectives
Truthteller: authentic expression; singing voice, public speaking
Expansive Presence: forward thinking; feed your vision; expansion
Inner Knowing: liberation of creative energy; innovation; uninhibited imagination; pioneering
Luscious Embodiment: wild expression; fertility
Boundless Wisdom: transition
Open Heart: when you feel like you're running out of time
Divine Timing: joyful perspective of death, which makes enjoyment of life easy & simple; helps you introspect on what you'll leave behind
Joy Juice:simplifying
Inspired Action:trusting yourself; pure action
Truthteller: certitude; conviction
Infinite Love:heartache
Inner Peace:one after another stressful events
Boundless Wisdom:trauma or heartbreak
Fierce Compassion:feeling unloved; heartbreak
Inspired Action:motivation; drive
Full Bloom:perseverance; strength
True Strength:
Sacred Body:stabilize complex of your electromagnetic field; dissolves fears stored in cellular memories; evacuate emotional toxins
Radiant Energy:gentle detox
Fierce Compassion:betrayal; attachment; struggle
Wild Abundance:loneliness
Inspired Action: determination; decisiveness; focus; motivation; drive; getting things done
Quiet Mind: focused mind; clarity
Full Bloom: perseverance, tenacity + determination
Gamechanger: middle path vs. going to extremes; responsibility; boundaries
Open Heart: ability to address the present without rushing or getting stuck
True Strength: determination; tenacity; bring your dreams into reality
Divine Truth: commitment; staying in one place; devotion to yourself & your truth
Wild Abundance:disappointment in oneself; lack mentality; feeling out of tune
Fierce Compassion:attachment; impatience
Boundless Wisdom:fear of loss; disconnected
Nasturtium:boredom; stagnancy; regret
Truthteller:phobias; paranoria; aversion
Inspired Action:overthinking; procrastination
Quiet Mind:inability to focus the mind; frazzled nerves
Boundless Wisdom:extreme stress
Divine Timing: helps us let go of the daily grind and distractions so that we can focus on our legacy; cuts through mindlessly doing things without an awareness of the bigger picture.
Boundless Wisdom:trauma
Wild Abundance:avoidance of perceived weaknesses
True Strength:pessimism
Inspired Action: decisiveness; productivity
Quiet Mind: mental clarity; focus
Truthteller: effortless communication
Gamechanger: effortless action
Expansive Presence: see your priorities clearly + focus action on them; attract & receive support
Open Heart: cutting right to the chase; addressing the elephant in the room
Luscious Embodiment: pleasure, spacious freedom
Inner Knowing: of vision; bring new concepts to the world from the inside out
Radiant Energy: vitality; cleansing; radiance
Inspired Action: inspiration; motivation
Full Bloom: endurance, strength + stamina
Luminous Chi: energetic reinforcement; puts a stop to energy leakage
Sacred Body:
Luscious Embodiment: free to be yourself
Truthteller: speaking your mind, conviction
Infinite Love: not taking enough time for self/giving all energy to others
Radiant Energy: recharge from travel, others’ energy + EMF exposure
Quiet Mind: take rejuvenating breaks; deep sleep
Gamechanger: feeling like there isn’t enough time
Open Heart: dissolves apathy, boredom and the doldrums
Yarrow (in everything): excessive air travel or computer/cellphone radiation)
Inspired Action: others’ opinions, esp. towards creative ideas; of being ostracized for ideas
Infinite Love: of being seen or heard
Quiet Mind: overthinking, “what-if scenarios”
Inner Peace: general worries; nervousness; feeling unstable
Fierce Compassion: betrayal, being taken advantage of or being unlovable
Full Bloom: self-limiting beliefs + negative patterning; I can't do it,"; playing small
Boundless Wisdom: of death; change or transition; losing control; feeling unsafe
Truthteller: fear of retribution for using your voice/speaking up; paranoia + phobias; of one's words destroying a relationship
Gamechanger: running out of time; resistance
Expansive Presence: fear of the unknown, failure or things not working out
Open Heart: fear that what’s inside us is scary/ugly; fear of intimacy
Inner Knowing: fear of the unknown; fear of persecution
Bamboo: I can't do it,"; playing small
Banana Blossom:running out of time
Black Bat Flower:spiders, snakes; public speaking or being exposed/seen; going crazy or losing yourself
Gardenia: of shadow side
Bodhi Tree:of being unsafe
Grevillea: of one's words destroying a relationship
Nectarine Blossom: emotionally attacked
Night-Blooming Cereus:fear of success; self-limiting fears
Papaya Flower: sexual confusion
Pink Primrose:resistance
Squash Blossom: of sexuality or pregnancy
Trumpet Vine: of communication
Inspired Action:sharing out of the box ideas
Inner Peace:confidence
Truthteller: courage; fearless speech + communication; speaking the truth; conviction; advocacy
Fierce Compassion:non-attachment
Boundless Wisdom: flexibility; allowing without wanting to control the outcome
Wild Abundance:transforming perceived weaknesses into strengths
Full Bloom: playing big; free of self-imposed limitations
Gamechanger: expansiveness; fresh perspectives; freedom from extremes; rapid growth
Luscious Embodiment: sexuality; birthing
Bamboo:playing big
Banana Blossom:expansiveness
Black Bat: courage; fearless speech + communication; advocating for yourself + others
Date Palm: fresh perspectives; freedom from extremes
Gardenia: transforming perceived weaknesses into strengths
Grevillea:speaking the truth
Lilac: flexibility; allowing without wanting to control the outcome
Night-Blooming Cereus:free of self-imposed limitations
Pink Primrose: rapid growth
Royal Poinciana:conviction
Squash Blossom:sexuality; birthing
Trumpet Vine:fearless communication
White Magnolia:transitions; death
Radiant Energy:balancing women's reproductive system
Full Bloom:collaboration with women; honoring feminine energy/behavior/roles
Banana Yucca: collaboration with women
Papaya Flower: honoring feminine energy/behavior/roles
Full Bloom: gracefulness
Boundless Wisdom: adaptability
Inspired Action:productivity
Joy Juice: streamlining life
Full Bloom: determination
Boundless Wisdom:one-pointed focus; staying present despite high stress
Bee Balm: one-pointed focus; staying present despite high stress
Royal Poinciana: certitude
Infinite Love:past or current challenges
Boundless Wisdom:love
Fierce Compassion:disappointment
Bodhi Tree: love
Red Rose:disappointment
Joy Juice:joy; playfulness
Quiet Mind:relaxed muscles
Gamechanger: freedom from extremes; lightness; joyful celebration
Boundless Wisdom: freedom from attachments
Truthteller: freedom to speak freely
Luscious Embodiment:
True Strength:
Luminous Chi:freedom to thrive; wild freedom
Date Palm: freedom from extremes
Giant Spider Lily:lightness; free of burdens
Grevillea:freedom to speak freely
Joy Juice: playfulness; joy; laughter
Gamechanger: light-heartedness
Nasturtium: spontaneity
Divine Timing: inspires boundless generosity of spirit, kindness and open-heartedness; a sense of service; a more ever-present mindful-awareness of the domino effect of what we do on a daily basis
Infinite Love:
True Strength: enhances our ability to teach others through love, patience, caring, and generosity
Luminous Chi: desire to be of service
Boundless Wisdom:love
Fierce Compassion:motherly love; nurturing; softness
Bodhi Tree:love
Nectarine Blossom:sweetness + camaraderie
Papaya Flower:tenderness
Rhododendron:motherly love
Red Rose:nurturing
Divine Timing: embrace yourself with gentleness; compassionate softness; dissolves self-criticism or self-judgement
Wild Abundance: gratitude, prosperity, abundance
Joy Juice: celebration of life
Infinite Love: self + others
Open Heart: intimacy, warmth, connection
Peony: abundance
Divine Timing: magnifies a sense of gratitude; look at what you learned and appreciated from your family lineage & what you pass down to further generations
Inner Peace: feel your feet on the ground; foundational support; balance
Quiet Mind:in tune
Sacred Body: tap into grounded inner strength & resilience
Fierce Compassion: heartbreak or loss
Infinite Love: take care of self; heartache (past or present)
Boundless Wisdom: trauma, loss, disconnect from emotions + spirituality
Inner Peace: acceptance of emotions; coping with change
Open Heart: fear of time running out, fear of losing our loved ones
Sacred Heart / Pieris: desire to move forward instead of getting stuck in grief for too long
Quiet Mind:transforming negative situations to a positive
Inspired Action:innovation
Inner Peace: maturity due to stressful events
Gamechanger: personal or business growth
Full Bloom:taking a big leap toward your full potential
Night-Blooming Cereus: taking a big leap toward your full potential
Pink Primrose: personal or business growth
True Strength: opportunities
Divine Timing: let go of being guarded & soften hard edges; open your heart
Radiant Energy: warm up areas where we feel cold or guarded
Full Bloom: compatibility
Gamechanger: elimination of disharmony
Papaya Flower:compatibility
Pink Primrose:elimination of disharmony
Boundless Wisdom:aggression
Bodhi Tree:aggression
Nectarine Blossom:feeling attacked
Infinite Love:old wounds of the heart
Joy Juice:sadness
Fierce Compassion:emotional scars; old wounds of the heart
Boundless Wisdom:trauma
Bee Balm:trauma
Rhododendron:mother issues
Divine Truth:healer heal thyself
Fierce Compassion: disappointment; unreciprocated love; feeling unprotected, vulnerable; lack of motherly love
Infinite Love: forgiveness; feeling whole; self-love; heartbreak
Joy Juice: old emotional wounds
Inner Peace: feeling unstable/insecure; extreme stress
Boundless Wisdom: loss or trauma
Open Heart: sense of surrender and operating from our heart
True Strength: examine old father wounds regarding abandonment, not getting enough love or attention, or feeling disregarded
Bee Balm: loss or trauma
Hollyhock: betrayal
Nectarine Blossom: feeling attacked
Rhododendron: feeling unprotected, vulnerable; lack of motherly love; unreciprocated love
Red Rose: disappointment and feeling ignored or unloved
Fierce Compassion: relationships; impatience
Sacred Heart:
Joy Juice:over-complication
Inspired Action:indecision; fear of criticism of ideas
Infinite Love:fear of being seen or heard
Radiant Energy:shyness
Truthteller:beating around the bush; worried about others getting hurt by your honesty
Gamechanger: stuck; overwhelmed; resistant
Grevillea:worried about others getting hurt
Night-Blooming Cereus:fears; self-limitation
Pink Primrose:stuck; overwhelmed; resistant
Royal Poinciana: beating around the bush
Gamechanger:about priorities + time
Truthteller: effortless communication; fearless speech
Banana Blossom: about priorities + time
Grevillea: fearless speech
Trumpet Vine: effortless communication
Full Bloom:feminine energy/roles
Black Bat Flower: advocacy
Papaya Flower: feminine energy/roles
Inner Peace:fresh perspective after stressful events
Boundless Wisdom:during or after traumatic events
Bee Balm: during or after traumatic events
Fierce Compassion:in relationships
Hollyhock: in relationships
Gamechanger:perceiving a lack of time
Fierce Compassion:impatience
Banana Blossom: perceiving a lack of time
Wild Abundance:lack of awareness
White Water Lily: lack of awareness
Wild Abundance:seeing + transforming shadow side
Gamechanger: shining light into blind spots
Full Bloom: identifying self-limitations
Gardenia:seeing + transforming shadow side
Giant Spider Lily:shining light into blind spots
Night-Blooming Cereus:identifying self-limitations
White Water Lily:heightened perception
Boundless Wisdom:unwavering patience
Gamechanger:running out of time
Banana Blossom:running out of time
Full Bloom: "I can't do it"
Bamboo:"I can't do it"
Wild Abundance:insecurity
Date Palm Flower: independence
Full Bloom:self-limitation
Night-Blooming Cereus: self-limitation
Inspired Action: forward thinking
Full Bloom: uncovering hidden talents within yourself
Banana Yucca:uncovering hidden talents within yourself
Date Palm Flower: wild creativity
Pink Primrose:
Royal Poinciana:
Wild Abundance: enhanced sensory perception
Inspired Action: listen to & trust your inner voice
Quiet Mind: dissolve mental chatter; follow your heart
Boundless Wisdom: spiritual awareness
Open Heart: perceiving interconnectedness with loved ones
Inner Knowing: see deeper into reality; heightened sixth sense perception
Joy Juice: clarity of life purpose based on joy; dissolves sadness/apathy; dissolves tendency to worry
Divine Timing: amplifies our capacity to enjoy the simple pleasures of being human and experiencing connection with one another; freedom of being joyful and see things in a new way so we can break down any barriers to love
Infinite Love: needing love or affection
Wild Abundance: scarcity mentality
Expansive Presence: magnify ability to receive support instead of depletion
Luscious Embodiment: sensuality & warmth
Radiant Energy: sensuality, playfulness & warmth
Open Heart: intimacy
Divine Timing: dissolve old loneliness
Sacred Heart:
Fierce Compassion: feeling alone or left behind
Wild Abundance: loneliness
Infinite Love: not feeling whole or complete & wanting affection from the outside; not feeling worthy of love
Divine Truth: cut through habit of withdrawal & isolation
Wild Abundance: gratitude, magnetism, attraction
Fierce Compassion: tenderness, nurturing, motherly love
Infinite Love: self-love, magnetism, self-care
Boundless Wisdom: boundless love + compassion
Full Bloom: discerns whether there is compatibility
Truthteller: self-compassion; advocacy + speaking the truth
Open Heart: intimacy, connection, fearless empathy and presencing
True Strength: compassion to transform pain or challenges into insights, without extremes of isolation and withdrawal
Divine Timing: love without attachment
Divine Within: fear of not being loved; true love without attachment or desire; connecting crown to heart; experience an abundance of love all around; go right to the heart of the matter; open your heart to the unknown; tenderness & affection toward oneself
Infinite Love: self care; not giving all energy to others
Inspired Action: focus; inspiration
Full Bloom: follow-through + determination
Truthteller: conviction in what you want
True Strength: determination, momentum, optimism; openness to growth & opportunities
Divine Timing: motivated by your biggest vision; obliterate inner obstacles; commitment to your legacy
Wild Abundance: self-acceptance and self-love; overflowing abundance and sensory pleasure
Expansive Presence: ability to receive support, dissolve the pattern that depletion is the only way to accomplish a great vision
Divine Within: nourishing yourself to wholeness; self-fulfillment; avoid depletion, exhaustion & self-sacrifice
Luscious Embodiment: joyful passion in a bottle, inspires your to embody your wild, feel completely free in your body, while setting healthy boundaries
Quiet Mind: perfectionism; inability to delegate because you want to do it yourself
Divine Within: transform fear of failure into gentle self-kindness
Luscious Embodiment: fear of pregnancy, labor, childbirth
Radiant Energy: balances reproductive system
Luminous Chi:
Radiant Energy:
Luminous Chi:
Sacred Body:
Radiant Energy:
Divine Timing: legacy; contribution in the world; expansive vision; seeing the big picture of your gift to the world; get clear on what's truly important to us in life; highlights the profound importance of all the little things we do and enhances awareness of the ripple effects that we create with our actions; refines and sharpens our north star — our ability to identify and keep coming back to what’s most important to us
Joy Juice: using joy as your compass
Fierce Compassion: loss, betrayal + bitterness
Infinite Love: forgiveness + self-love
Inner Peace: emotional strength + confidence
Open Heart: ability to keep our hearts open despite rejection
True Strength: ability to take risks without fear of rejection or loss
Fierce Compassion: loss or rejection
Joy Juice: letting go of old emotional wounds
Infinite Love: forgiveness
Boundless Wisdom: intense emotional experiences
Open Heart: ability to open to complex and intense emotional states
Pieris: when we experience never-ending sadness, exhaustion or apathy from intense grief
Sacred Awareness: dissolve savior complex & heighten your ability to truly benefit others by awakening yourself
Infinite Love: increased feelings of unconditional love for self; decreased negative self-talk; more time for self-care
Inner Peace:feeling more comfortable in your skin; accepting yourself as you are, without wanting to change anything; self-assuredness
Luscious Embodiment:spacious embodied freedom
Wild Abundance: feel uninhibited + divinely beautiful
Infinite Love: self-love; feeling beautiful; magnetism
Radiant Energy: warmth; radiance; vitality
Expansive Presence: unapologetic beauty; stepping into your (inner) power
Open Heart: intimacy, connection, empathy, presencing
Luscious Embodiment: warmth + self-acceptance; freedom to express your wild, exotic, sexy qualities
Luscious Embodiment: healing past abuse
Divine Timing: dissolve shame & embarrassment of some aspect of yourself or your actions; embrace yourself with gentleness & acknowledge and accept all parts of yourself; expands your aura into greater warmth, compassion and gentleness
Wild Abundance: dissolve shame, embarrassment & shyness; dissolves worry about what others think or shame of whatever makes you unique; eliminates shame or bashfulness, instead feeling uninhibited and sensuously whole, luscious, wild and delicious
Inner Peace: emotional strength; new perspective; moving through changes
Boundless Wisdom: traumatic experiences
Open Heart: ability to see what we perceive as scary or ugly
True Strength: strength when you feel a sudden loss of foundation or support
Wild Abundance: feeling beautiful, graceful + uninhibited
Radiant Energy: sharing your true self; radiance + vitality
Full Bloom: self-worth & confidence in abilities
Inner Peace: self confidence; emotional stability
Truthteller: speaking up for oneself & advocating for others
Luscious Embodiment: confidence, let loose, be your full self
Quiet Mind: fall + stay asleep more easily, quiet the mind; dissolve physical tension
Fierce Compassion: self-sufficient & self-fulfilled
Radiant Energy: vitality; balance of physical systems, especially hormones
Inner Peace: steadiness; self-confidence
Open Heart: strength in vulnerability and authenticity
True Strength: unwavering support + stability from the inside out; divine masculine
Joy Juice: over-serious
Infinite Love: lack of self-care
Quiet Mind: mental stress or chatter/thinking too much; physical tension; frazzled nerves; panic; worry about taking time off; relying on others or letting others down; inability to let things go
Inner Peace: emotional stress/a lot going on; overwhelm; lack of support
Open Heart: ability to open to complex and intense emotional states
True Strength: waiting for the other shoe to drop; expecting the worst; pessimism
Gamechanger: time-based anxiety; feeling rushed or running out of time
Boundless Wisdom: traumatic experiences or dramatic life changes; disconnected
Truthteller: fear, phobia, paranoia
Inner Peace: foundation, stability, assuredness during times of high stress
True Strength: divine masculine support; sense of belonging; unshakeable strength; physical stability & balance
Divine Timing: tap into unseen forces; collaborate with the support that resides all around you, seen & unseen
Fierce Compassion: confidence in love and relationships
Infinite Love: trust within relationships with others
Radiant Energy: ability to connect with others
Inspired Action: trusting self; listening to inner voice
Full Bloom: relying on self + trust in one’s own abilities
Quiet Mind: delegation; trust in others’ abilities
Boundless Wisdom: inner wisdom
Truthteller: communication with self + others
Inner Knowing: trust in internal resources + abilities; ability to reveal vision one step at a time without worry
Inner Peace: if uncertainty is coming from theheart (ie. are you protecting your heart from something?), boosts confidence, gives sense of support & solid foundation
Quiet Mind: if uncertainty is coming from the head from thinking too much
Inspired Action: eradicates hesitation or shyness around sharing your ideas
Joy Juice: uncertainty around purpose/life path, dissolves tendency to over-complicate, worry or tie ourselves up in knots with confusion
Divine Timing: explore your value in the world
Infinite Love: wholeness; self-worth
Sacred Awareness: devotion to your sacred contribution in the world
Divine Within: dissolve feeling dismissed, under-appreciated or frustration; turn toward your own truth & self-validation
Joy Juice: over-serious; unable to laugh (esp. at oneself)
Quiet Mind: overthinking; unable to let go
Boundless Wisdom: change, loss, things not going your way
Inner Peace: emotional unrest
Truthteller: fears, paranoias, what others will think
Gamechanger: overwhelm + running out of time