March 09, 2020
Intuitive astrologer Kristina Wingeier provides us with an overview of the year 2020. We dive deep into what to expect this lunar cycle, important dates to throw on your calendar + flower elixirs recommended for getting a jump on *stabilizing* for it all!
Look back to 1519 for themes of our initiation (protestant reformation).
Question of the first quarter:
How are you managing your resources?
This will give us a window into what the Aquarius portion of our charts will feel like in 2021-23! On a macro level, may have a lot to do with social justice, innovative technology and the idea of enlightened society.
We move away from North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn to: North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius, meaning we’ll look at our highest potential as relating to communication, conversations, listening, dialogue, play, curiosity and understanding all sides of the story. We’ll let go of ideology, idealism, being overzealous or excess in any area.
Love, relationships, money.
June 5th: Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
June 21st: Solar Eclipse in Cancer
July 4-5th: Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn
Solar eclipses are more potent - this one is annular - ring of fire, with a total solar eclipse at the end of the year. The lunar eclipses are penumbral - faint shadow - not super dramatic, more more ephemeral.
Very very good until it’s very very bad ; )
This year it’s in Aries, from Sept 10-Nov 13th: reassess what you want in your Aries house - review your actions in the last 2 years. Not a good time to be pushing things through. Not a time to begin new things. Have spaciousness and allow for ebb and flow of energy. The more you can make time and space for that - the better. People might be in bad moods. Look at your Aries house - this will be a big retrograde. Avoid super strict deadlines. Avoid waiting until the last minute. Trust that even if things slow down - it won’t always be that way.
Mercury stations direct on election day in libra - standing still in an air sign.
Mail in your ballot early. Similar planetary alignment in 2000. Confusion around who won the election.
This is the beginning of a 20 year cycle. Jupiter about economic politics (expansive)
saturn around systems law and order (contracted) - when they come together, it’s time for a new social order. Aquarius - focus on enlightenment, humanitarianism. Leaving an earthy cycle of focusing on material world, natural resources, commodities. Now, more about info, airspace, atmosphere, humanitarian, tech, ideological revolution.
Dec 21st - symbolism woven in - beginning - new era on the macro level.
On the personal level - going from intense capricorn focus to aquarius.
Moving into a new focal point - 2021 a whole different game
Saturn & Jupiter - all mutable axis - means change and shapeshifting, things going from one state to another, instead of cardinal signs, which have been the ones hit.
What parts of your life are you being asked to grow in vs. let go of?
Follow Kristina on Instagram: @kristinawingeier
Explore her website:
Follow her on Instagram: @iamkatiehess @lotuswei
LinkedIn: Katie Hess
Media Kit: Katie Hess, International
Happy listening,
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